Lana’s Healthy Bistro



At Lana's Juice Bar we believe in the guiding principle, “Beauty is an inside job”.  Striving to create relationships with local and sustainable businesses, we apply an ultra-disciplined approach when creating our cold pressed juices, life-enhancement shots, superfood smoothies, smoothie bowls and prepared foods for our clients. Trying to change the perception that healthy eating is boring and flavorless, we apply our multiple travels, health and fitness education and culinary backgrounds to create tasty treats for those healthy minded people with a busy lifestyle. We use only the highest quality, local and sustainable ingredients and are sure to compost and recycle whenever possible. In addition to our raw cold pressed juices and elixir shots for specific ailments, we offer 1 and 3 day raw cold pressed juice cleanses revised by licensed nutritionists and Naturopathic Doctors. 


Nosotros creemos en que la comida que uno ingiere puede ser la forma más segura y poderosa de medicina. Nuestra misión es proveer el estilo de vida que crea los siguientes beneficios; permite mantener la mente despierta, te ayuda a controlar peso y mantenerlo estable a largo plazo, mejora la capacidad de respuesta de tu sistema inmune, mantiene el colesterol y la glucosa, a raya, eficaz para controlar la tensión arterial, promueve el equilibrio y adecuado tránsito intestinal y mejora el estado de ánimo.

Conoce a Lana

Lana's Juice Bar was created out of Lana's extensive commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for herself and her clientele. Her passionate dedication to her professional health and fitness career for more than 20 years as being a Certified Massage Therapist and a Certified Personal Trainer deeply inspired her to extend her knowledge even further and become a Certified Juice Therapist in 2017.  

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